Register Now
Registration is now online through Infinite Campus! To register, students should log into their IC account and look for "Summer School" in the Infinite Campus School Store. The cost is $125 per remediation course and the deadline to register is noon on June 14th.
Once courses have been paid for, students will need to register for the courses they chose. This process is the same as the course selection process students follow for fall registration.
Dates & Times: June 17th – July 19th*, 8 am to noon, Monday-Friday
*Summer School will be closed on July 4 in recognition of the July 4th holiday.
Remediation Courses consist of course work that is remediation of a course that was taken and failed during the school year. Courses will be suggested by your guidance counselor.
Acceleration courses ($295 per ½ credit) may be available on an individual need basis. Students must work with their guidance counselor and building principal to obtain authorization to enroll in a course for credit acceleration.
Frequently Asked Questions
No more than 2 credits of Summer School Course Work permitted (Remediation)
When do I register for Remediation Summer School?
Where do I obtain the registration forms?
What about transportation?
Math Classroom Sessions
CYBER Sessions
Rules and Regulations
Remediation Course Requirements/Information
Infinite Campus
Other Questions?
Please contact your guidance counselor or Mr. Atwood at