Central Attendance
Phone 814.835.5327
Email: mtsdattendance@mtsd.org
Student Absences
Parents and guardians are to submit absence requests through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or by email to mtsdattendance@mtsd.org
Parents should submit any full day absences, early dismissals, or late arrivals for their students
Written excuses are not needed if the absence has been submitted electronically.
Parents should use the fillable vacation form below or obtain a form from the student’s school.
The form is to be submitted to Central Attendance at mtsdattendance@mtsd.org or to the school.
A vacation form is required to excuse the absences.
Parents/students are responsible for communicating with the school regarding missed work.
Parents and guardians are to submit excuses electronically through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or to Central Attendance at mtsdattendance@mtsd.org.
If a paper excuse is needed, it can be turned at the school.
Absence excuses must be received within 3 days of the student’s return to school.
Absences in excess of 18 days will be unlawful without a medical excuse.
Late Arrivals
Parents are to submit late arrivals through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or by email to mtsdattendance@mtsd.org.
The student is to check in at the front window upon arrival to school.
Student Leaving Early
- Parents are to submit early dismissals through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or by email to mtsdattendance@mtsd.org.
- Dismissals are to be entered with prior notice or delays may occur.
- Students are to check out at the front window before being dismissed.
Missed School Work
Parents/students are to check Google Classroom or contact the school directly for missed work. A student must miss 3 consecutive days before schoolwork can be requested from the student's teacher(s).
How to Submit Absences through Infinite Campus
A walkthrough of how to submit absences online using Infinite Campus.